Sche’lang’en Village Transformational Wrap-Around Program
The Transformational Wrap-Around Program is designed to assist enrolled members of the Lummi Nation and their families who are in need of multiple wraparound services.
The Transformational Wrap-Around Program is designed to assist enrolled members of the Lummi Nation and their families who are in need of multiple wraparound services, such as mental health, chemical dependency, family counseling, parenting services, special medical needs, and the like, in order to be productive members of the community.
The Program is not intended solely or even primarily as a housing program. Applicants whose sole need is safe stable housing will be referred to an appropriate LNHA housing program.
Under LIBC Resolution #2014-142, the Lummi Indian Business council has directed the General Manager to ensure the participation, and coordinate the meetings, activities, and work products of those agencies and departments of the tribal government deemed essential to the success of the Transformation Wrap-Around Housing Program. Those agencies and/or departments include, but may not be limited to, the Lummi Nation Housing Authority, Employment Training, Lummi Counseling Services, Lummi Behavioral Health, Lummi Victims of Crime, the Lummi Tribal Court, the Lummi Veterans Program, and Lummi Children’s Services.
For more information, please contact Shawnee Kinley at 360-312-8407 or [email protected]

A safe community where honesty and accountability grow beautiful children.