HUD has issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) which appropriates $225 million in competitive grant funding for the preservation and revitalization of manufactured housing and eligible manufactured housing communities. Congress has directed HUD to undertake a competition using the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) statutory and regulatory framework for this first-of-its-kind initiative. The Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement supports communities in their efforts to maintain, protect, and stabilize manufactured housing and manufactured housing communities (MHCs). $200 million is reserved for the main PRICE competition (PRICE Main), of which at least $10 million is intended for Indian tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities and Tribal organizations. Only stationery, prefabricated Manufactured/mobile homes are eligible under the program requirements (RVs, travel trailers, site-built homes not eligible under this program).
LNHA will be applying for $2.5 million dollars under PRICE on behalf of Lummi Nation, with a total 5-year budget of $4 million. The Application due date is June 5, 2024, and information about the results of the competition will be available sometime in the Fall.
IF AWARDED, LNHA will open an application to the public for assistance under this program. In that case, from 2025-2030 LNHA would replace 20 Manufactured Homes and perform repair & rehab on approximately 30 other sites of Manufactured Homes.
LNHA’s submission to this grant competition will be available for viewing soon.